 Guest book

Dear guest!
Contact me,If you have any questions or advices, please write me:
or ICQ: #236-052-046 I'm relly very glad you visited my fanpage!
Now, I'd like to tell you about myself. So...
I was born in 1989. On 8th of April.So, I live in Russia, in Saint - Petersburg. It's very beautiful city.
I finished music school in 2003. Now I'm a student of Saint-Petersburg state Polytecnichal University, the feculty of Linguistics.I play the piano and most of all I like singing. I always sing. Music always helps me not to be alone and go through all my troubles. Espesially Bosson's songs make me feel alive and happy. They are filled with heat and love!
It's not my first fanpage about Bosson. My first was www.staffanolssen.narod.ruThere you can find a lot of very interesting information too.
I made this page as present to Staffan on his birthday - 21 of February. It's very importaint day for every fan. All of us was waiting that day the whole year! ;-)

If you have any questions or advices, please write me:

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